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Obtain Access To ALL New Listings That Match Your Specific Buying Preferences

Why is this service different?

Unlike many other sites, we pull our information directly from the back end of the same system licensed agents use. Sites like are not live data and must have listing information propagated to it from dozens of real estate boards across Canada.

When you provide us with your search preferences we will send you NEW listings matching exactly what you are looking for. When a listing agent loads a NEW LISTING onto their system, you will receive the information quickly.

NOTE: Sometimes listings are sent to you so fast,
the listing agent hasn’t added in the pictures yet. If this happens
simply refresh the listing page after waiting 30+ minutes and the pictures should be there.

This service is offered FREE and designed to keep you from missing out.

Simply complete the form on this page.

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I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

We take your privacy seriously.
Your personal information is collected to send you the additional information that you requested about the real estate, mortgage, and affiliated products and services. If we cannot provide a product or service it may be provided by another agent or broker. For details please see the real estate marketing website privacy policy.

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